Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Here's a mugshot of my 4 month-old bundle of boy. Like his Donald Trump do? He kinda looks like a monkey here, but he's all mine.  Posted by Hello

Ok, so I'm trying to get out of my funk so I just had this cheesy photo taken of the kids. They are cute though, aren't they? Posted by Hello
I'm so fucking irritated. One kid is pretending that he has to poop so he can have bathroom party and get out of taking a nap while the other one keeps falling asleep for ten minutes and then waking up screaming. I just walked out of the bathroom to fetch the screecher and "Family Matters" was on my TV. I feel like such a fucking boring mom. Really, like a fat, dumpy, uninteresting, unintelligent stereotypical mom. On top of all that the father of these two is being the biggest dipshit and I'm SO irritated at him. I really need a dose of culture in my life. Or maybe some good hard drugs. I really need a break. Ok, I don't know what I need. What I do know is that today, this, all of this, is just not it.