Today is the second anniversary of the day my littlest boy came along. We started early this morning snuggling on the couch. His Papi rubbed his head while I told him the story of what happened two years ago. How I faked my way into a 9 a.m. doctor's appt even though I knew mine wasn't until 4 p.m. How later Cai napped while I held my giant belly on the couch and wondered if I should call Jaya. How surprised we were that evening when this little being sailed quietly into the world, so different from the sound and frenzy of his brother's birth.
He listened intently to this story and then interrupted, "Mama, I have cake now?" His cake is covered with rainbow sprinkles and horses, he opened a new piano, a hobby horse and a little dog that barks. Later he'll see the giant present (which is really for all of us) a humongous water slide that I started to set up at 6 a.m. today. Anyway, the point of all this is to say that after a vain attempt at using the 'potty', my little 2 year-old walked into the livingroom, sat down and put his own shorts on. One leg after the other and then hiked them over his fat little bottom. I was so proud I about burst and then took a million pictures like there would never be another event like it.
He listened intently to this story and then interrupted, "Mama, I have cake now?" His cake is covered with rainbow sprinkles and horses, he opened a new piano, a hobby horse and a little dog that barks. Later he'll see the giant present (which is really for all of us) a humongous water slide that I started to set up at 6 a.m. today. Anyway, the point of all this is to say that after a vain attempt at using the 'potty', my little 2 year-old walked into the livingroom, sat down and put his own shorts on. One leg after the other and then hiked them over his fat little bottom. I was so proud I about burst and then took a million pictures like there would never be another event like it.