Baby blues...
Ok, maybe the mama love-fest has officially ended. Or maybe it's just that I'm having a rough couple of days. Nothing has changed with the kids- except Cai knows I'm in the dumps which sends him into this panic mode where he calls my name ONE MILLION times every three minutes. "Mama, mama, mama... Mama will you read this book. Mama come play cars. Mama, mama, mama..." So I'm trying to figure out how to entertain him, nurture Solomon and not lose my mind today obsessing about all the work that needs to be done around this house, the sick cat, the laundry, what to make for dinner, etc. Now I'm starting to sound like an honest, real, boring American housewife. Maybe I should move to Bolivia? I just read that in Spain they get 98 days maternity leave. Maybe I should fake a pregnancy and move there for a three month siesta of sorts. It's too bad I quit smoking pot a decade ago, because a big fat hit would do me right at this moment. I guess that's the price of being a decent mama, no good drugs around to soothe the bumps. Just wait til the baby's 18th birthday, I'm gonna be so loaded I won't know what to do. Ah, well. Til then I'll just hang in there with this great love life and hopefully the day will smoothe as the minutes tick.