Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Boogers and bugs Posted by Hello
This is from a few days ago when Cai and his dad were outside playing. Not only do I love the fact that he's holding a caterpillar, but I love the little glimmer of a snotty nose - he's such a boy! This morning he nearly had a fit when I tried to take the photo of him and his cousin (below) away from him so he could eat breakfast. He insisted on holding it against his chest in his high chair while eating his grapes, yogurt and toast. Every now and then I would come into the room and catch him looking at it. At the moment he's having a first class shit fit in his bed. He doesn't want to take a nap and is as irrational as a creature can get. I can tell it's going to be one of those days when I dream about being tan and 16 without a care in the world. I'll just keep looking at the snotty bug picture and try to remember tomorrow he'll be cute again.