Big Props to the single moms
I just spent the past two days with my kids alone. Obviously there were moments of loveliness. But those moments were far outnumbered by the ones where I contemplated dangerous and violent acts no mother should admit to. Jaya has been moving his mom, that's a whole other story - but it left me alone for the weekend with no plans. Today I woke up to fog which pitched me into a big pit of seasonal mood disorder - and for those of you who don't believe in this - well, just come on over to my house one grey and dreary morning and you'll catch more than a whiff of my bitch-scent. Anyway, Solomon was just a baby - wanting to be held and nursed, etc. But CAI - LORD that child can be high maintenance. He can smell weakness and the moment I need a break he puts it in overdrive. Well to top off the usual batch of snips and unmotherly short-tempered "WHATS?" I snagged his shirt as he was attempting to round a bend in Blockbuster today at full speed and I scratched his neck. Yes, Child Protective Services, the documentation is all there. This Mommy Dearest drew blood on her first born and wasn't even all that sorry. All you need now is to send the wagon out to haul my horrible, abusive mama-ass away. So after the Blockbuster Incident I did feel pretty awful - guilty enough to pull it together and salvage our evening. Currently we are eating bean burritos on the couch watching a Clifford video in our underpants and T-shirts - can you guess who's being pacified? Probably not.