Thursday, February 17, 2005


I broke a mirror yesterday. I'm trying to be positive about it. My friend Karin said it's the third bad thing. It better be.

Last night avoiding bedtime Cai was running around like a madman when he crashed and scraped up his foot. He's sitting on the couch screaming and crying and Jaya is trying to console him while I put Lo to sleep and Cai is yelling "Oh no, my foot, my foot! Oh, my foot - it's dead Papa! It's dead!" So Jaya is trying to soothe him (although I can hear him laughing a little) saying, 'No, son, it's not dead just a tiny bit hurt." And Cai continues, "Oh no, it's dead! It's dead and now I only have one foot. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooo." I kid you not this went on for a good ten minutes until I arrived with an Elmo bandaid and convinced him that since his toes were clearly moving, his foot could not be dead. I asked him if he had ever seen a dead fly wiggle his toes and he perked up at this and agreed he hadn't. We had chocolate milk and went to bed. Well, he did. I watched American Idol and downed a pint of Haagen Daz.