Monday, November 01, 2004

While I'm posting Halloween photos I just have to add this one. It does my heart good. Posted by Hello

A dragon and his auntie party Posted by Hello

Baby bug Posted by Hello


OK, I hate to talk about it again, but my subconscious is making me. Last night I had a dream I was in the mountains. My church was there and it burned, burned, burned. Someone, an enemy of mine, torched it. And while my heart was heavy, there was also a tiny bit of de-light. Envy can rot the human heart I tell you.

Two nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night and stared bleary eyed at this computer screen. I thought about all the rushing I've been doing for Halloween. Making all kinds of homemade goodies, along with work and various other domestic duties. I vowed to take my time yesterday. Made a promise to myself that I would take it slow, enjoy the day, savor my kids. I broke that promise - I rushed and worried and sewed and shopped and I didn't take one single moment to relax and this morning I'm feeling hung over. Though not let down, I'm glad to say. It really was a lovely day and last night Cai had the time of his life dragon-ing around the neighborhood collecting candy. If trick or treating was a career he'd be a millionaire. And after he figured out how it worked, it was like anarchy. Rules didn't apply and he started running around like a wild man.

So the church still stands today. But I didn't tell the other part of the dream. After the fire was out, up in the woods a great killer whale rolled out of the river onto my doorstep. Massive, black and white. We rallied everyone in camp to help roll her back in. Dozens of people came and after just a nudge she rolled easily into the water. We didn't have time to celebrate before she thundered back up again. Slid a little further on shore and we tried just once more to coax her home. It didn't take long to figure out that she wasn't going back. If the dream continued after that, I don't remember. I don't know what any of this means, but I'm sure it's something.