Burning Up and Blog Magic
Last night Cai's cold hit new levels. Our thermometers are never reliable so I always take my own temp and then figure out the margin of error. I was coming up around 94.5, so figuring it was registering 4 degrees below reality, when Cai came up at 103.0 I got more than nervous. Within about 45 minutes I had it down. Though I had to bribe him with a variety of chocolate to get him to take the medicine. So once it broke (2am) he was ready to party and even with the TV off, in the dark he talked and giggled and bounced around on the couch until about 4:30. So I'm feeling just a tiny bit crappy this morning. He is snoozing on the couch and hopefully this is the worst of it. The doctor said he won't be contagious for his party, so I'm hoping he won't be miserable as well.
A funny thing happened to me yesterday. My phone rang and as usual we couldn't find it because it was in the toy box or under the couch or in the garbage disposal. So when it was finally unearthed Jaya read the caller ID which was the name of a boy I loved once upon a time. The name of my one and only truly unrequited love. He and I have managed to maintain a friendship as adults, touching base every few years. However, a home phone call on a Wednesday in March is unusual. Turns out he found this blog and was tickled and even though we barely know each other as adults, he now knows the intimate details of many parts of my life. Talking to him always feels like home and a little like warm summer nights barbecuing and wondering who will buy us beer. More than unrequited love, he was with me in a time of my adolescence that is seared into my brain. He and I and a group of friends spent a couple of summers playing and being young that, though painful, in many ways I remember as the sweetest of my childhood.
So I was touched that he was interested in the blog but also immediately started to scan my mental list of blog posts. Youch, there is that one really bad post-partum, post-haircut photo I ran at Christmas. Oh, God, and did he read that one post and know who it was about? In these seconds of paranoid vanity I think I might have time to post all those great nudes Charr took of me pre-baby. Anyway, I won't obsess on being perfect, I'll just revel in being me and being appreciated by someone who I will always hold a great fondness for.
Funny, but probably two hours before this Cai had pulled out one of my old yearbooks. I showed him my picture, which he was very impressed by ("You is in a book Mama? Wow!") And as he was turning pages I noticed the picture of a girl who aforementioned boy loved and well, I just made note, and then we had green eggs and ham for dinner. Yes, Cai loves the book and I thought, 'Oh, what a kick-ass mother I'll be making green eggs and ham on Dr. Suess' birthday no less!' Yes, I rock.
However, what did my oldest bundle of joy pronounce when I set his plate in front of him? "I do not yike gween eggs and ham. I want peanut butta an jelly." Little jerk. Well I made him eat 'em anyway. Good thing when he woke up miserable last night he didn't throw up, I would've had to call CPS on myself.
A funny thing happened to me yesterday. My phone rang and as usual we couldn't find it because it was in the toy box or under the couch or in the garbage disposal. So when it was finally unearthed Jaya read the caller ID which was the name of a boy I loved once upon a time. The name of my one and only truly unrequited love. He and I have managed to maintain a friendship as adults, touching base every few years. However, a home phone call on a Wednesday in March is unusual. Turns out he found this blog and was tickled and even though we barely know each other as adults, he now knows the intimate details of many parts of my life. Talking to him always feels like home and a little like warm summer nights barbecuing and wondering who will buy us beer. More than unrequited love, he was with me in a time of my adolescence that is seared into my brain. He and I and a group of friends spent a couple of summers playing and being young that, though painful, in many ways I remember as the sweetest of my childhood.
So I was touched that he was interested in the blog but also immediately started to scan my mental list of blog posts. Youch, there is that one really bad post-partum, post-haircut photo I ran at Christmas. Oh, God, and did he read that one post and know who it was about? In these seconds of paranoid vanity I think I might have time to post all those great nudes Charr took of me pre-baby. Anyway, I won't obsess on being perfect, I'll just revel in being me and being appreciated by someone who I will always hold a great fondness for.
Funny, but probably two hours before this Cai had pulled out one of my old yearbooks. I showed him my picture, which he was very impressed by ("You is in a book Mama? Wow!") And as he was turning pages I noticed the picture of a girl who aforementioned boy loved and well, I just made note, and then we had green eggs and ham for dinner. Yes, Cai loves the book and I thought, 'Oh, what a kick-ass mother I'll be making green eggs and ham on Dr. Suess' birthday no less!' Yes, I rock.
However, what did my oldest bundle of joy pronounce when I set his plate in front of him? "I do not yike gween eggs and ham. I want peanut butta an jelly." Little jerk. Well I made him eat 'em anyway. Good thing when he woke up miserable last night he didn't throw up, I would've had to call CPS on myself.