Sweet relief
My mom has come to visit and I really never thought I'd be so happy to see her. So today is my first morning of potential freedom and here I sit like a deflated balloon. What to do? Straight to the bar for 8AM cocktails? The Greyhound station for a one-way ticket to Defiance, Ohio? I have a friend who is there, he delivered 20 babies last week and now is emailing me, miserable on 'pap smear' duty. He says it's kind of like working at the DMV, but worse. Anyway, I kind of wish my kids were being bastards so I could run out of the house screaming and never look back. Unfortunately, even as much as they've been suffocating me, they're kinda nice so I'll just ease my way out to a movie in a while. Maybe a solitary drive and a cup of coffee someplace that people think I'm a lovely and mysterious stranger. Extra cream and don't be stingy with the sugar.