Tuesday, August 24, 2004
So like I said, Cai and I spent last week throwing up a lot and I'm feeling a little guilty about it. Not about the actual puking, but about the fact that the first couple of days we thought it was food poisoning, cause two of our friends started puking at the exact same moment almost - and the day before the four of us ate McDonalds together. So I'm feeling bad because once I stopped puking I called up the McDonald's and basically told them their food makes me puke, and since we've left several people puking in our wake - we now know it was not the Happy Meals, it was a very sad virus that got the best of us. So do I call the McDonald's back and reassure them that the employee frying the fries that shift does not have bad handwashing skills? Or do I cower and pretend I didn't make the itsy mistake? Terrible to admit it, but I think I'm going to move on with my life, without an apology to the god of fastfood. Speaking of food, Mordecai, Solomon and I went with some friends to one of those candy stores today that has goodies piled high in giant barrels and big baskets for you to fill to your hearts content. Usually we wait for the kids Papi to escort us because I like to play with Cai that we are very extravagant, bratty little kids and that 'Daddy' has to buy us everything we want. I think this comes from some wish in my childhood to eat lots of candy and be very indulgent and ridiculous. Anyway, even without the Papi money-man we managed to haul in as much loot as we made last Halloween and it's calling to me from the top of the microwave right now. Speaking of Halloween, Cai has decided he wants to be a dragon and I found a really cute pattern today. Purchased some fabulous blue glittery, sparkly fabric which Cai wore around the house tonight in pure bliss. God, I'm looking forward to the fall: making my kids oatmeal swirled with butter in the mornings, new rainboots, hot cocoa and sparkly dragons to calm my beating heart.